Hi there,

On this page you can view the projects I am working on or have created in the past

As you can see its still being developed

In the mean time you can view my other projects here

MyMusic NOT A SPOTIFY CLONE (Archived because google is ****)


This is a project to see if I can make my own music by using the internet wich I pay for to my isp

With that being said

This searches for music and adds it to your device of choice (te be decided who will be ignored)







Dapper is great but it missed something for me and that was creating,altering and deleting tables and columns without me having to do it manually by going into the server or docker container, so i came up with this. It uses Reflection to get information about properties of a Type.

Its !100% written in C# and uses these 4 nuget packages

  1. Dapper
  2. Dapper.Contrib
  3. System.Data.SqlClient
  4. Z.Dapper.Plus




Raylib is a C programming library to enjoy videogames programming; no fancy interface, no visual helpers, no gui tools or editors... just coding in pure spartan-programmers way.

I like to use it when I feel like I want to challenge myself by making the next best Flappy Bird game.

This github project makes the setup on windows easy by just having to run a single script that will take care of:

  1. Creating a game directory
  2. Cloning the latest raylib
  3. Compiling raylib into a C Static Library



BlockyThingie codename: Auril

2D game trying out the latest release of the Raylib library, its still in its early stages.

Haven't created a 2d game in a while so this will be fresh start to re-learn some concepts

  • Collision detection with AABB or a beter form
  • Rendering optimaztions using a dynamic camera that follows a target
  • Fresh up my math skills with Vector math

Things done so far

  • Created 2d map using Tiled mapeditor, with tiled I created a simple map that can be rendered in Raylib.

    Had to create a custom extension with javascript for Tiled because I wanted to have full control of the entire export and import so I could make customizations as I wish, the javascript extension project can be found here

  • Wrote a map importer for the game, file is here

  • Added FLECS, a ECS library for C/C++ because ECS approach for a game is more clean if you ask me

  • Working on collision..... math is fun



